NEW ! 5-03-2 ! Love, Prayer and Stigma: The Christian Catholic Creed is the Nicaea Creed; discusses an original, new theory of the Nicaea Creed.

The creed of Christian Catholicism is the Nicaea Creed; a new, original, theory of the Nicaea Creed is discussed, especially with regard to the question of the description of Filioque and the Inclusive expression.

Perfection is complete to the full. Therefore, the perfect is incomplete to the imperfect. From the perfect, the imperfect comes out. From perfect comes out imperfect. Creation, which is imperfect, must be imperfectly imperfect because it comes from perfection. Christ’s command to be perfect must be made feasible in prayerful perfection, in prayerful omnipotence, in prayerful imperfection, in prayerful imperfection, in prayerful Christ, and in prayerful stigma.

We believe in one and only God.
There is not only “only”. Only “only” profanes Trinity.
O Father Almighty.
Creator of heaven and earth.
And for all things, visible and invisible.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the only Lord
The only begotten Son of God
From the Father, eternally begotten.
God from God, Light from Light.
True God from true God.
Not made, but born, one with the Father in being.
Love loves love. Therefore, love begets love from love. Therefore, love is born from love to love. Love goes out from love to love.

By him all things were created.
The prayer of creation must be due to the prayer of creation.
For us humans, for our salvation.
He came down from heaven.

By the power of the Holy Spirit.
He was born of the virgin Mary and became man.
Mary is imperfectly imperfect. The Spirit of Mary can create a body by the Spirit. A body by the Spirit cannot be touched by things. Therefore, Mary is not subject to original sin.

She was crucified under Pontius Pilate for us.
She suffered, died, and was buried.
On the third day He rose again.
The Bible was fulfilled.
He ascended into heaven.
He is seated at the right hand of the Father.
The right of the Father is the East
He will return in glory
The living and the dead.
And his kingdom will have no end.
Imperfectly imperfect

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the
Who is the Lord and giver of life.
Who proceeds from the Father and the Son.

With the Father and the Son He
is worshipped and glorified.
God has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one Holy Catholic
and Apostolic Church.
We recognize one baptism.
Sacraments must be received by Sacramentals. Consecration must be accomplished by the Green Scapular.

For the forgiveness of sins.
We await the resurrection of the dead.
And the Life of the Hereafter.


The Bearer is the Father. Therefore, in human beings, the Bearer is also the Father. Therefore, the mother who gives birth is also the father who gives birth. Furthermore, the Father is also the begetter.

The first, coming from the father, is 4. The first, “out of the father,” is not 3.
The first, “out of the Father,” is 4. The first, “out of the Father,” is not 3. The first, “out of the father,” is not 3. In the case of “coming forth from the Father and the Son,” the one who comes forth is the Father and the Son. A father and son who love each other emit love. Therefore, love comes out. Therefore, love is spirit. Since the emanators are the Father and the Son, the persona of the emanator does not exist. In “coming from the Father,” there are two personas, the one who comes out and the one who goes out. This is because one persona, the Father, cannot have another persona, the emanating persona. The reason is that it is not possible to have two personas at once. The Father and the Son are the senders. The persona of the One who emits enters into the persona of the Father and the Son because the Father and the Son emit together, or because the Father emits and the Son emits through the Father and the Son. Therefore, the Father and the Son are the ones who emit. The single persona of the One who produces does not exist in the single persona of the One who produces, because the Father and the Son are two personas. The persona of the one who produces does not exist because the father and the son are already personas.

Second, the one who gives birth is the father. Therefore, in human beings, the one who gives birth is the father. Therefore, the mother who gives birth is also the father who gives birth. Furthermore, the father is also the begetter.

To be is to be, and to not be is not.

To be or not to be is to be.
To be or not to be is to be or not to be.
There is “neither” nor “not.
There is neither “Yes nor No.” There is neither “Yes nor No.” There is neither “Yes nor No.” There is neither “Yes nor No.
There is “Sola,” “Sola,” “only,” and “only.”
There is “only,” “only,” “only.

To him who is in the giving and receiving, be the giving and receiving.

Be ye in prayer, even as your Father in Heaven is omnipotent.
As your Father in Heaven is omnipotent, so be you Stigma by prayer.
As our Father in heaven is omnipotent, so be ye stigmas in prayer.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. [Thy Kingdom come. As Thy will be done in heaven, so be it done on earth.

Give us this day our supersubstantial bread.

Bread is about Love, Prayer and Stigma.

And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Love, Prayer and Stigma can be forgiven. The forgiveness of debts is the result of the forgiveness of love, prayer, and stigma.

Do not let us fall into temptation.
It is impossible for human beings to be given all stigmas completely. It is impossible for man to endure, and therefore man will be drawn to the test. Therefore, we wish for as much Stigma as we can bear.

But deliver us from evil. Amen.

Mary, Immaculate Conception, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

Mary, the Christ by love, prayer, and stigma, is called Immanuel, evidence of the Angelic Salutation that existed in the primitive and early Church.

Pupillary dilation is muscle relaxation. Christ’s tongue may have protruded after his death.

The crucifix may have been forward-facing. If it is forward-facing, it lands from the knees.

The Mass is the place where flesh and bones, tongue and knees, limbs and chairs are consecrated. The Mass is not a place to claim exclusivity.

To be given another chance to take away the chance of salvation is contrary to salvation.

To the right of the father is the east.

Cross Meditation

Meditation is available anytime

       Mary Annunciation
       Immaculate Visit
       Conception Nativity

Gratia Prophecy          Plena Discovery

     Dominus  Sorrow
     Te     Flagellation
     Cum    Crown of Thorns

Benedicta Tu  Bearing
     In Mulieruibus  Death

It is male discrimination for only women to give birth. Priests give birth.

Myths and legends must be eliminated.

The etymology of the word in, from the Indo-European Ancestral language ne for “negation,” is different from that of the Latin word in, meaning “into.”

Psalms sometimes rhyme.

The Ten Commandments are 1+1+2+1+2+3
Ten Commandments: 1+3+3+3

Sacrament is 1+1+2+3 1+1+2+1+2 1+1+2+2+1 1+2+1+2+1

The prayer of the green scapulario must be prayed next to the prayer of the medallion of wonders.

Like a ladder, a green scapulario is, for a person, first.

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